My story.

Becoming a mum was always my biggest dream, and I’m so blessed to have three healthy and happy babies. However, a part of motherhood I never expected was feeling so lost! Lost in who I am and what I stand for, lost in my future career direction and lost in how to nurture my relationships. Becoming a mum, trying to raise children who deeply know and respect themselves, just amplified this lack of identity for myself.

But it wasn’t until my marriage began to fall apart, that I realised just how LOST I really was. During this dark, helpless and heartbroken time, I really struggled with my identity and confidence. With my counsellors and coaches, I realised I never took the action to figure out who I was and who I wanted to be. So, when we reconciled our marriage, I was determined to not repeat old ways, and made it my mission to meet the true Jess to heal and write this new chapter for my family with clarity and confidence!

I am passionate about using my life experiences to INSPIRE, CHALLENGE, EDUCATE and EMPOWER mums to take action to get unstuck and create a fulfilling life on their own terms. You really can move forward through ANY challenge if you are determined to TAKE ACTION and do the work!

You can do anything you set your mind to.
— Benjamin Franklin

I have always been a firm believer in this quote, and it has served me well in life so far. Through learning a variety of skills that others put down to ‘talent’, standing up for what I believe in - no matter who I was up against, practising forgiveness, changing careers, starting a business, and reconciling my marriage. You can truly achieve anything if you have the motivation, determination to do the work, and faith that it will all be worth it! 

As your coach I’m here to help with the part that we struggle with most, TAKING ACTION. I’m here to CHALLENGE YOU, to CHEER YOU ON and to provide you the TOOLS you need to succeed in creating the motherhood experience you truly desire!