Prioritising Marriage - Truth #4
Jessica Banks Jessica Banks

Prioritising Marriage - Truth #4

Our kids are highly observational. They are learning how the world works, by watching, listening and feeling how people interact around them.

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Prioritising Marriage - Truth #3
Jessica Banks Jessica Banks

Prioritising Marriage - Truth #3

We aren’t taught how to form and maintain healthy love relationships in school, nor did a lot of us have healthy relationship role models in our homes growing up. We are just expected to ‘know’ what to do, or ‘wing it’.

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Prioritising Marriage - Truth #2
Jessica Banks Jessica Banks

Prioritising Marriage - Truth #2

I have been a stay-at-home mum now for over five years, and whilst it was my choice, and what we both agreed we wanted for our family, I have felt SOOOOOO much resentment toward my husband for it.

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